Ergo & Wellbeing Ltd can carry out a range of MSD assessments and offer advice tailored to your sector.
Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are injuries, pain or discomfort in the human musculoskeletal system; including the joints, ligaments, muscles, nerves, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels and spinal discs. They commonly occurr in limbs, shoulders, neck and back.
Consultation or advice about work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD’s) can be given in various forms such as presentations, training or on-the-job assessments. Awareness of how WMSD’s occur and how to eliminate and reduce by putting in control meaures, are a key part of ergonomic best practice.
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD’s) are conditions in which work environment and performance of work contribute significantly to the condition and/or the condition is made worse or persists longer due to work conditions. These include poor manual handling techniques.
The link below contains information provided by the Health and Safety Executive.
Work related musculoskeletal disorder statistics (WRMSDs) in Great Britain, 2019
Manual handling training can also be provided.
Ergonomics is a science and has a broad range of applications.
An Ergonomist observes and analyses the interaction between people and their, usually though not exclusively, working environment to assess physical, physiological, psychological and social effects on humans and ensure that products, tasks, work systems and their environment meet their needs. Physical and cognitive limitations, capabilities, behaviours & perceptions are considered too.
An Ergonomist utilises knowledge of the human body, tasks & equipment used to alleviate discomfort, physical pain, fatigue or other conditions; all which affect wellbeing & productivity. In order to identify occupational hazards and recommend possible improvements we observe, collect & interpret statistical data & surveys, perform risk assessments & practical scientific experiments, carrying out an holistic, systematic analysis.
Ergonomic hierarchical controls can be used. We have the skills to recommend design, process, equipment & administrative changes and look to promote productivity, efficiency & satisfaction through comfort, health & wellbeing.
We can design and implement ergonomic programs.
Hierarchy of Controls (Image from NIOSH )
#wellbeing #workplace #productivity
Ergonomic assessment for individuals can be required for Occupational Health, Managers and Human Resources when an employee has complained of discomfort carrying out their job, or as part of a return-to-work package.
Assessments are particular suitable for any areas within a worker’s environment were concerns have been raised by themselves or line managers. The objectives of the survey are to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), improve wellbeing and maintain/improve productivity.
An ergonomic assessment provides detailed information on the task, equipment used, working environment and provide comprehensive information on the individual working in-situ.